For Your Safety...
Our Security Patrols are reporting garage doors being left open. Please check all entry points to your home before going to bed.
Also, please check to make sure your vehicles parked outside have their doors locked at all times.
Remember criminals are at work 24/7/365!
Caught on Camera
If you know the identy of the individuals in the following picture(s), please contact LMPD
March 12, 2023
Criminal Suspect exiting the vehicle 
Criminal Suspect runs off because neighbor's dogs start barking
Criminal Suspect re-entering the vehicle 
3/12/2023 @ 3:08 AM - 4500 Block of Pulaski Court Drive
Video snapshots of an individual attempting to do a criminal act, but the neighbor's dogs caught them and started barking before they had a chance to commit it.
Total time 16 seconds!
January 12, 2023
Possible Identity Thief

1/12/2023 @ 9:41 PM - 4500 Block of Pulaski Court Drive
Video snapshot of an individual (top left of center below date/time stamp) searchng through the second of 2 homes trash bins. The other home, which had its bins searched, has a car parked to the right of their trash bins.
May 30, 2021

5/30/2021 @ 4:43 AM - 4100 block of Northumberland Drive
March 24, 2021

3/24/2021 @ 2:23 AM - 4100 block of Northumberland Drive
November 13, 2020 
11/13/2020 @ 1:30 AM - 4100 block of Northumberland Drive, and also seen in the 4700 block of Lunenburg Drive at 2:15 AM